Proudly Made in the USA

Proudly Made in the USA

The KEYPER team dedicates itself to providing quality products made in the USA and quality customer service to help you stay KEYPER strong. KEYPER is made for every woman and identifies with the moms, sisters, daughters and friends who go above and beyond to care for others. However, in the midst of COVID-19, the way we care for others has forever been distanced and transformed by the virus that keeps us six feet apart.

KEYPER is proud to stand with its manufacturer, LACorp of Lebanon Virginia, as they answer the call to care for others in this new and unfamiliar landscape by producing PPE for those on the frontlines fighting for a return to normalcy. Joeff Bodenhorst, Jr. of LaCorp enlightened KEYPER on the events that have taken place in stepping up to produce this life-saving equipment. Jeoff says:

Our PPE journey started about five weeks ago and has since turned our business upside down. We stopped production on almost all current customers (mostly the customers' decision, as they were all facing uncertainty) and have been flooded with opportunity, which not only helps our country but continues to provide employment for our over 160 team members. Our employees have responded so positively! We have completely retooled the machines and have retrained almost every employee. We are currently sewing 30,000 cloth, non-surgical, face masks per week along with over 5,000 protective gowns. We also have begun production on medical mattress covers. I am turning down multiple new PPE requests per day, as we simply cannot keep up with demand. We are also seeing signs of current customers adapting and finding ways to survive. Just like KEYPER, who has found ways to target the consumer directly through online campaigns, many customers are finding similar success. We have been hiring to add capacity and look to keep this forward momentum well into summer. Demand for domestic sewn products is creating opportunity in so many communities all across America. I hope the silver lining on the current health crisis is a rethinking of supply chains and and renewed emphasis on producing more items in America.

Dana Robinson, founder and CEO of KEYPER, responds to the changes in production by stating, "Because our people are our strength, the most important thing for our nation right now is keeping our healthcare workers and essential workers strong. Myself and everyone at KEYPER fully supports the work being done by Jeoff and his team at LACorp. While we exercise patience in waiting for the production of new products, we know that Jeoff and his team are working for the greater good, keeping our nation strong and healthy."

Thank you, Jeoff and LACorp for working to help our great nation keypittogether.

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